Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ber working on head control...

Matching shirts

This was all Gage... Daddy had left his biking gear out where she could grab it.

More fun in NH...
A video of Gage enjoying time with the Davidson duo (Deke and Cora are Gage's godmother's two sweet toddlers). She had her first sleep over party with them the previous night. The other video is the following night in NH. After watching Ber having his bath in the sink - she wanted hers there too. Our little (still so close to being in the 0 percentile for size) two year old is growing up quickly. Her brother seems to be sprouting too. He's more of our little giant though and we're taking bets on when he'll overtake his sister. Gage and Ber seem to have their own secret language these days. She'll lie next to him and grin and smile and gibber and he grins right back.

We are looking forward to summer days in a couple of weeks and our trip to see family in North Carolina in less than a month!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

gosh I LOVED both videos. It was so fun to see Gage with the Davidson kiddos. And I can't believe that Gage can still take a bath in the sink. what a peanut! Love you all!