Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gage and her bike

Gage took off this morning on her push bike to go to the dining hall - for the first time so fast that we couldn't keep up, while walking Ber. She will get her feet going and then glide with her legs up off the ground. So fun to watch her coordination grow. Gage and Ber gave Rich a camera for his birthday and we played around with it last night. Here are some of our shots. Still a lot to learn, but it will be a fun gift (for both of us ;) Ber is almost crawling... he gets up on his knees and arms and rocks back and forth but can't quite figure out what to do next.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gage's first day of nursery school

This morning was Gage's first day at Old Deerfield Nursery School. The parents were asked to come and stay up to an hour to make the transition easier on the children. After five minutes Gage left me to play - when I said good-bye, she took a few seconds to give me a kiss but then went back to playing with her new friend, Greta. A good start! She spent the last two days with Gran while Rich and I were in faculty meetings. When I put her to bed last night and asked her what she was thankful for she told me "Gran playing trains with me." Thank you, Gran! Another year has begun - girls arrived on the floor yesterday and classes start in four days. Ber just had his 6 month appointment and is a healthy, little moose. (I am borrowing the term from a parent who saw him for the first time in three months yesterday when she came to drop her daughter off at school.)