Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A day of summer in August!

A day of sun meant a trip to Squam.

Gage loved her first dip in the lake. It is back to being rainy and in the 60s though today but we are finishing up our last minute projects (today, adding mulch to our backyard) before thinking about our return to Deerfield. It has been a busy August. Gage visited with Newt, Jess, Noah, and Maya and we got in some hikes, runs, bikes (thanks to Gran's babysitting Tuesdays) and Rich and I finally finished staining the deck. We even played got to play some hockey each week and Rich's photo (beautiful form thanks to his lovely coach) made the front page of the local sports section. The deck presented us with our biggest challenge though. It needed 24 hours of no rain and a day of successfull napping. ...it took till August but it is complete! We plan on visiting Carly in Maine before returning to work the day after labor day but other than that it is time to think of packing up and heading south to Mass. :( We will miss our NH summer.