Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gage and her best friend

Gage likes to "woof" when she sees a dog. I caught her on camera here.

It's been known for awhile in our house who Gage loves best. She now sees him and says what we think is "luca" but sounds much more like gawca. close? Gage is dressed up here for the Deerfield graduation. The seniors are on their way now - just underclass exams to go.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Check off the list

We can officially check off on the list that Gage has had her first sickness. She came down with a stomach bug last Monday and was a little fighter but it hung around till Sunday (taking Mom down with it). Thanks to daily phone calls to Grandaddy and the wonderful nurses at the school’s health center, she’s finally turned the corner. Pedialyte is her new drink of choice – she does the “cheerio” dance as soon as she sees it and we’re ready to advertise it as the second “liquid gold.” She’s a new kid today though with her old sense of humor and her giggle back. When we walked by the farm together she barked at the dogs, and quacked at the ducks. (Then she also quacked at the sheep and quacked at the cows…oh well) Other milestones we can more happily check off: Gage can point to her eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and most excitedly, her belly button. She will say “bye daddy” and blow kisses when Rich leaves the house and pronounces “gar” as cars go by the front of the house. She thinks flowers are a riot for some reason and shrieks when I point them out. She then will waddle over to them and stoop real low and giggle and point. Her pile of collected sticks by the door is getting bigger and bigger – maybe she has grand plans? Two more weeks of classes and a week of exams to go! We can’t wait for summer!

"where's your tongue Gage"