Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bath time in the kitchen sink

A new, happier ME

We went back to Shriners today and Gage's hips looked great on the ultra sound. She is out of wearing the harness full time and just has to wear it at night and during naps... our little over achiever ;) ...did it in half the time that was anticipated. As a result of being "free," her grunting, frustration, and fussiness has almost stopped - finally able to stretch those lanky legs. Yay!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Going to NH

What do you mean I can't go skiing??!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Some light reading

Gage was feeling a bit fussy today and wanted a good read to brighten her mood. She loved Aunt Carly's photography and Alex's prose in their article on hiking in the Alps in the February edition of Backpacker. The rest of the magazine bored her though and she decided to pass out cold in the sitting position. Hope you are all doing great.

Rich, Katie and Gage

p.s. Thanks to the Berry's for her awesome socks!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Good news this morning

The three of us made our second trip to the hospital in Springfield this morning to meet with the pediatric othopedic again. He was so pleased and a little surprised to see how well Gage's hips were doing and we got the OK to bath and change her onesie once a day now. (The harness had been on full time this past week and was supposed to be that way for five more weeks) Two weeks from now we return for a bigger! harness and hopefully continued news of progress. It's been a while since we have checked in and I"m convinced our little peanut appears more like a little linebacker these days (although this could be the look she gets by wearing the harness underneath layers of t-shirts... it's been frigid here lately!) She is sleeping more at night and for that we are so thankful! She also made her first trip up to see Gran and Grandad in NH and check out our her new house in Sugar Hill. It is on schedule to be finished in April and it is really beginning to take shape. The windows and stairs are in and the sheet rock goes up next week. I have a photo of her in the middle of all the construction. (Well, she is hidden in that car seat somewhere!) The other photo is Gage watching football (the Patriots must have just scored) with Dad.

Thanks for all your comments and well wishes, Katie

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Aunties visit

Carly and Beda Calhoun just visited their niece and spent several days helping us out! We had extra hands around to cook and clean and it was great to see them. Gage hammed it up for her aunties and Aunt Carly took tons of photos - nice having a professional photographer in the family! Check out Carly's shots in our new slide show.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

tough day for Mommy

Gage had her visit at Shriners Hospital today in Springfield to look at her hip. The Dr. was absolutely wonderful and our little peanut was fitted and came home in her brace. Gage seems to be OK with it - Mommy is just sad to not see her cute little feet for six weeks. We feel blessed after being there to have such a healthy child though and know that down the road this will seem like such a short little blip in her history. Rich is much better about putting things in perspective but he and Gage keep mom smiling.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's Katie! I am feeling a bit more like a human being today and thought I should make my first post! Gage just screamed hello to her Aunt Lindsey and greeted several of the girls as they arrived back on campus - she was a hit - eyes wide open and checking everything out. She has decided that Gaga's swing is the place to be and the Acton's brought over some premie clothes that actually fit her. She's looking so different already now that a lot of her swelling in her face has gone done. She's definitely a peanut but has got her Dad's long spindly legs (definitely didn't get those from Mommy!) Rich is putting some more photos up tonight. He has to go back to work tomorrow :( but he's taking off days later in the week - we'll definitely miss him!

Luca has been totally ignoring Gage until today. He gave her a gentle little lick on her forehead tonight though and then kept going about his own business - pretty cute!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Greetings from Gage

She's here!

We'd love for all of you to meet Gage Carlyle Calhoun! She was born January 3rd at 7:53pm and she (and her mommy!) are resting and doing great this morning. She weighs in at a spritely 5 lbs 14 oz and is 18.75 inches long. Obviously, she is exceptionally beautiful.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Waiting and Hoping....

For those who have expressed outrage that we have not updated the blog, we promise that there is not much to update...yet. The holidays came and went and Baby Hooner teased a few times but apparently she is being stubborn and holding out for a little longer! Hopefully, she will be joining us soon and we can entertain you all with photos and video. The highlight of the week was the wicked awesome baby shower that Aurelia threw Katie this past Saturday. Everyone had a wonderful time and Baby Hooner loves all of her new gear! Happy New Year!