Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's Katie! I am feeling a bit more like a human being today and thought I should make my first post! Gage just screamed hello to her Aunt Lindsey and greeted several of the girls as they arrived back on campus - she was a hit - eyes wide open and checking everything out. She has decided that Gaga's swing is the place to be and the Acton's brought over some premie clothes that actually fit her. She's looking so different already now that a lot of her swelling in her face has gone done. She's definitely a peanut but has got her Dad's long spindly legs (definitely didn't get those from Mommy!) Rich is putting some more photos up tonight. He has to go back to work tomorrow :( but he's taking off days later in the week - we'll definitely miss him!

Luca has been totally ignoring Gage until today. He gave her a gentle little lick on her forehead tonight though and then kept going about his own business - pretty cute!


Debi said...

Katie.....beagles are great with kids !! When Tara was born our beagle Mandy would "totally" protect her from visitors. Luca will do great with Gage...they are very loving and forgiving as she get older. Still can't wait to meet her.

Mary said...

Thanks for the latest wonderful update from your home sweet home. You all, including Luca, look so happy to be settled back home. We can't wait to see Gage, she's so alert and adorable. lots of love, Mere

Unknown said...

I love the pictures, which make me wish even more that California was a lot closer to Massachusetts. I can't wait to meet Gage, not to mention, see you two as "Mommy and Daddy." I love it! Love to you all! -Aunt Lindsey

Alison Ferrelli Morris said...

Dear Rich, Katie, and Gage,
The Morris family, Richard, Zach, Jard, Neville, and Alison, are so delighted for you! Gage is gorgeous. Katie , the former best baby sitter on the planet is now the best mother on the planet...only because of her training with Zach and Jared....ha, ha! Father Rich is just beginning his new life as the most adored and the best father on the planet . Gage is blessed to have you both!
So happy for your joy!!! Love, Alison