Monday, May 19, 2008

Can you fit two fists in your mouth at the same time?

Anything that falls into Gage's hands goes right to her mouth. She is most excited when she has both fists to suck on at once. She is also thrilled that there is now a mirror on her jumper. Every time she goes in it she is thrilled to find this "other baby" smiling back at her. ( and no kidding... the other baby sucks her fists as Gage does).

Two weeks left at school and then off to North Carolina and beach time with the Calhouns!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


A few new updates...
Learning to navigate the blanket on my tummy...
Sleeping after a busy morning of reading...
Me in my new diapers - the perfect brand (gdiapers) because all of my diapers now have "g"s on them. We like to pretend that the "g" is for Gage of course!
Me all dressed up for "sit down dinner" at Deerfield.

Lots of love, Gage.