Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gage at Cannon on the Tuckerbrook chair! A happy and busy spring break in NH. After a few trips to Cannon with Daddy that ended in tears but no skiing, Gage found her love of the slopes when Mommy took charge! It was a fantastic break and we enjoyed sunshine and warm temps along with fantastic snow. Life with Ber has been wonderful thus far and although we're a bit short on sleep, we've been loving visiting with grandparents and friends.


Unknown said...

Love the video, but am a little depressed that I have no idea where the Tuckerbrook chair is. Has it been THAT long since I've been to Cannon?

Unknown said...

Katie........I check your blog about once a month and LOVE seeing the update of pictures of Gage and now "roar"...haha Enjoy it all.