Tuesday, July 13, 2010

helicopter ride

As I write this, Gage is happily playing at home with Daddy. She's been singing all morning and ate a good plate of pancakes at Polly's. We've had quite a few days though just now and are so relieved and relaxed to be at home, the four of us. On Sunday night Gage fell off a counter at the grocery store and hit her head hard on the floor. After being evaluated and completing a cat scan at Littleton hospital, the doctor sent Gage on a backboard via helicopter to Hanover for further evaluations to be done. Granddaddy Bishop was there at our side and reassuring us the whole way that it was for precautionary sake and she would be fine and we felt so lucky to have him with us. Mom sat with white knuckles the whole way down but managed to get over her fear of flying by listening to Gage giggle at the EMT's pictures of doggies on his iphone in the back. Gage was a real trooper. She held on to her Dora sticker the entire ride to Hanover and through the entire trauma team's evaluation when we were ushered into Hanover. That night she was poked and prodded, and slept with too many wires on her and a neckbrace. I NEVER want to see her looking like that again. However, by 1 am she was singing twinkle twinkle little star and when they removed her neckbrace she was happy to see it on Rufus. She charmed us and the nurses and passed all tests the following morning with flying colors. A brain MRI was done to make sure everything was doing well and she sat through four mintues in the tunnel with mommy without flinching. We were proud of our little toddler. She has a fracture in her skull but the doctors think it will heal quickly and she'll be back to normal very soon. Here are some pictures to document the event. ...and a few more of Gage and Ber taking it easy at home the next day.